Enhancement of Penitentiary System Actions

Intellectum Crime Prevention Centre develops specialised actions aimed at preventing and combating crime. The centre follows social challenges and takes different forms of criminality into account in order to provide effective tools and criminal justice policy programmes.

Enhancement of Penitentiary System Actions

In collaboration with competent authorities, Intellectum conducts studies, designs strategies and implements special programmes for the improvement of living conditions in prison. Specifically, Intellectum implements:

  • Studies and custom-made strategic plans for the enhancement of penitentiary detention facilities with which it cooperates based on the particularities and needs of each prison
  • A specialised experiential training programme for prison staff regarding prisoners’ treatment and especially in regard to juvenile detainees
  • A special support and mentoring programme concerning the relationship between parent-prisoners and their children, who are out of prison, in order to maintain and strengthen family ties
  • Visits to prisoners’ families to provide assistance and support with the ultimate goal of a smooth family reunification
  • Innovative programmes for prisoners (a personal development programme, an intellectual support programme, an educational programme)
  • Book distribution to prisoners aimed at the creative utilization of their time within prison

For more information, please contact the Programme Officer:

Avgi Vogiatzoglou

