Carla Del Ponte: Interview with the “Iron Lady Of The Hague”

Carla Del Ponte is the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) since 1999 and is arguably regarded as the most famous Prosecutor ever to attain this position. Her reputation began quite early in her career when as a prosecutor at the Italian-speaking canton of Switzerland she had to deal with dangerous cases related to the Italian mafia. Since then, her personal image of the tough, incongruous and non-conformist woman who does not succumb to any kind of pressure was forged. A little later, as the Chief Prosecutor she clashed with the deep-rooted and omnipotent banking system of Switzerland which aided and abetted money laundering practices, tax evasion and other unlawful activities, although the final outcome of her efforts is still being cast under a shadow of a doubt. The last station of her career thus far has been the position of the Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY, a position through which she earned the sobriquet of the “Iron Lady of the Hague ”. People have also accused her of being overtly suspicious and non-cooperative with even the closest of her associates, while some permanent member-states of the Security Council, such as the United Kingdom and USA , have been beleaguered from time to time by the exercise of her duties and consequently sought to curtail her powers. This interview was conducted on 14 th June 2004 at her office and Ms Del Ponte demonstrated extreme patience with answering all my questions.

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