Abstract: Sense and sensitivity could be the current events’ title. The publication of Mohamed’s sketches by the newspaper “Jyllands Posten” obtained quickly great dimensions and the phenomenon’s intensity raised -once more- anxiety to Europeans.
But let’s examine the facts from the beginning. The events are more or less familiar: the aforementioned newspaper, sharing the inability of a local writer to find artists in order to illustrate his book concerning Mohamed’s life, published a series of sketches with the Prophet. In that way the newspaper purported to support the view that Western societies sacrifice the freedom of expression due to a climate of terrorism and that it was high time someone reacted against this trend.
Reprints, manifestations, violent reactions, deaths, diplomatic complications, products’ boycott, politicians’ interventions, journalists’ depositions were some of the ‘episodes’ which succeeded the publication.
Read full article: https://intellectum.org/articles/issues/intellectum1/en/ITL01p111112_